用料理迎接春夏吧!清新爽口【和風橙汁鮪魚義大利麵】 -- Monet Kitchen
和風橙汁鮪魚義大利麵 / Japanese Tuna Spaghetti with Orange Juice
❶ 鮪魚肉以薄鹽醬油、味醂、米酒,用中小火煮熟,魚肉撕開
❷ 醬汁:醬油1匙、米醋1匙、糖1/2匙、橄欖油1匙、大蒜末、番茄丁、香吉士,拌勻
❸ 義大利麵按照包裝上的時間以鹽水煮熟,瀝乾
❹ 麵跟醬汁拌勻,加橙汁1/4顆,灑黑胡椒,裝盤放紫蘇葉、海苔絲
// 麵條是斯佩爾特 (Spelt) 小麥,有淡淡松子及核果香氣,我以日式蕎麥麵的方式調味,最近天氣熱又超忙碌,胃口大開!💕
PS 鮪魚不用像我這麼搞剛,還從生魚肉開始煮,可直接使用罐頭,更省事 (我盡量原型食物啦
Japanese Tuna Spaghetti with Orange Juice
❶ Boil tuna in soy sauce, mirin, sake, simmer for 5 minutes, then tear apart
❷ Sauce: put soy sauce 1 tbsp, rice vinegar 1 tbsp, sugar 1/2 tbsp, olive oil 1 tbsp, minced garlic 2 cloves, diced tomato 1/2, peeled and diced sunkist 1/2, blend well
❸ Cook spaghetti to al dente, drain well
❹ Mix spaghetti with the sauce, sprinkle pepper, dish up with shredded shiso and nori
Serve with white wine